The Knife
The tourne or tourné cut is an oblong shaped cut. Meaning it is shaped like a football. It's typically used for potatoes to make the dish look better and much more presentable when including such a simple ingredient in the presentation.
To begin with, the tourne cut has 7 sides. The two corners can either be flat or squared off; the little footballs should be 2 inches long. The proper knife to use when making this cut is a bird's beak or a tourner knife which has a curved blade facilitating the method.
A proper tournee cut "football" should be able to balance on one of the corner sides. A picture on the right will display what is meant by this statement. Why does it have to be this way? Who knows?
The name tourne is French for the word "turn." It refers to the actual cutting and rooting of fruits and vegetables into the football shapes. Not only is it pretty but it actually aids vegetables such as carrots to cook evenly. Therefore, it is not only for decoration but for efficiency as well.
Luckily it's a a rare cut not used in an everyday kitchen such as the one the reader of this site would have. High class chefs use it for specialty dishes. No need to necessarily worry about perfecting this specific cut but if you wish to have give a professional look to your delicious dishes go right ahead!